Spring Break

Monday, March 17 to Friday, March 28

Open Daily 11 am-4:30 pm 

Admission is free. Last entry is 4 pm.

Histories of Burnaby’s diverse communities are showcased in this 10-acre open-air site. Explore how homes and businesses used to look, see how different cultures help shape our community and learn from Indigenous educators. Education staff are available in select exhibits to interact with and learn from. 

Special Activities:

Storytime at the Indigenous Learning House
Indigenous Learning House
Daily, 2 pm
Learn valuable teachings through storytelling.

Pacific Spirit Quilters
Bell’s Dry Goods
Tuesdays, All Day
Learn about measuring, patterning and designing quilts. 

Heritage Games
Carousel Plaza
Thursdays, All Day
Engage in a variety of hands-on games and toys. Fun for kids and adults!

Way Sang Yuen Wat Kee Herbalist
Fridays, 1-3 pm
Participate in this Chinese game of strategy, skill, and summation.

Steam Demos
Steam Shed
Saturdays, All Day
Learn about how steam pressure runs machinery.

School Days
Seaforth School
Fair weather days only
Engage in a variety of recess games.

Daily Activities:

Scavenger Hunt
Pick up a clue sheet from the main or the carousel entrance. This year’s theme highlights how Nowruz New Year is celebrated by Burnaby’s Afghan community. 

Table Tennis
Love Farmhouse
Join in on a Love family favourite – kitchen table tennis and porch games

Coffee Grinding
General Store
See and smell the coffee beans ground by hand.

Ruby’s Lunch
Seaforth School
What is in Ruby’s lunch? Find out at the schoolhouse.

*Refer to our interactive map for location wayfinding.

Thank you to our sponsors: Global BCMiss604


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